Monday, October 27, 2008

Readaholics Anonymous

Hi. My name is Lyn, and I'm a readaholic.

No...not a RECOVERING readaholic...

A bonafide, certified, always-off-the-wagon readaholic.

I've been this way for years. I got my first taste of reading when I was quite young, and I became a junkie almost immediately.

By the time I was 12 (so young...I know), I already needed glasses. It wasn't a proud moment, but I wasn't about to give up my addiction...I needed books. I needed to read. I really didn't care who was affected in my quest to get what I needed.

Sometimes, I still hear my family talk about the days when we were kids...memories that they have that I somehow missed. ("Why doesn't Lyn remember that?" they'll ask. "Oh, that's right. She was probably in her room...READING.")

I'm not going to lie...sometimes, late at night...when I'm getting another fix...I'm still haunted by those words!

Addiction is serious business.

I don't WANT to be another statistic.

I don't WANT to end up on the latest episode of INTERVENTION.

But I can't stop.

I can't stay out of the library. Or the bookstores. I try to stay off of, but it always pulls me back in.

And then there are the books...just laying around my house, taunting me. As if to say "We're soooo much better than TV".

I know I should get rid of them.

I Just. Can't. Bring. Myself. To Do It!

Maybe someday.

Until then, a readaholic I will continue to be.

And in an effort to redeem myself, I'm going to try to do something good with my addiction.

Like use this blog to help others choose good books to read...

Until next time,

Read something, for goodness sakes! You KNOW you want to!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment - cute blogs! I'm a total book addict too. Have you checked out I LOVE it. It's the best way to keep track of what you've read and how much you liked it, books you want to read, and see what your friends have read/are reading. (I'm a bit of a list junkie as well.)
