Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Love Affair with the Classics

Yes, you read it correctly. Not only do I have a problem with addiction, but I've been having an affair to boot...

for quite a long time.

(But please don't judge me. No one likes judgemental people.)

Aahhh, The Classics.

Don't get me wrong...I still love reading regular books. I still need to have them in my life. I have absolutely no intention of just packing up and leaving them forever to run away and spend the rest of my life with The Classics.

But I WILL continue having my liaisons... because The Classics have always given me what's been missing in my relationship with regular books. Call me selfish, but I'm just not willing to give that up.

I know what you're thinking. You think it's all just about the romance, but it isn't. The Classics understand me in a way that regular books just don't. I'm talking deep, philosophical soul-reaching here. And The Classics always talk to me like I'm a grown-up...sometimes in the most beautifully lyrical language.

Listen...I know that regular books try really hard sometimes...I'll give them that. At times, they've come pretty darn close. For that, I still love them.

But don't expect The Classics to disappear from my life...ever.

Wow...all this is making me so nostalgic, I think I'll share some of my favorite moments with The Classics I've had over the years....

The Age of Innocence

Anna Karenina

The Count of Monte Cristo


Jane Eyre


North and South

Sense and Sensibility

Pride and Prejudice

The Woman in White

Until next time, folks...head to the library or bookstore and pick up one of The Classics.

You KNOW you want to!

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